The Threading Screen
The Home Screen
OnLine Demo
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The Treadling Screen
What's New?
The Design Center
The Fabric View
The Selection Screen
FAQ, Contact us.
On the iPad or Kindle Fire
WIF 'n Proof is a web application designed to run on all Apple mobile devices (iOS 4.3 or later), including the iPhone, the iPod Touch, and the iPad, and on most Android devices (version 2.3 or later) including the Kindle Fire and the Nook.
WIF 'n Proof is a weaver's tool. It will help you design a draft, and it will read any WIF file to assist you while threading and while weaving by keeping track of where you are in the process.
The Home Screen is WIF 'n Proof's 'Table of Contents'. This is where you decide what you want to do this session. You can 'Select' a draft to display, you can create your own draft in the ‘Design Center’, or you can ‘Import’ or ‘ Export' a draft.
Select another screenshot to view the process.
WIF 'n Proof
On the iPad or Android Tablet
Designing with WIF 'n Proof starts by defining the number of shafts and treadles. You then choose your colors for the warp and the weft.
WIF 'n Proof allows you to enter the threading or treadling with or without color as a complete draft, or you may instead enter just one repeat and have WIF 'n Proof expand it for you, including your color choices. A Tool Box makes entry easy. Or just use your finger!
You then enter the tie up information, and view the fabric to be sure it is what you wanted. Edit as much as needed to make it perfect.
Download the manual for more information.
The Design Center
What's New?
The Fabric View
FAQ, Contact us.
The Selection Screen lists all the WIF files you have imported or designed and lets you select one for this session. Tap on the line to highlight the file and then choose to either view the fabric, the threading draft, the treadling draft, or the lift plan. Or perhaps you would like to re-design the draft by editing it, even imported WIF files.
A 'Help' button on every screen provides complete instructions.
Go to the screenshots for Threading, Treadling, or Viewing the Fabric to see what happens next.
On the iPad or Android Tablet
What's New?
On the iPad or Android Tablet
The threading draft is displayed from right to left. As you dress the loom, tap on 'Next End' to move the red marker ball. You can navigate through the draft using the arrow keys along the bottom or jump to any end within the draft. On the iPad, you can clearly view up to 50 shafts.
Your colors are shown along the top and the shafts are numbered.
Download the manual for more information.
The Design Center
The treadling draft is displayed from the top down. Each treadle is numbered and you can move freely through the draft using the arrow keys or the 'Next Pick' button. The red marker will always keep your place, even if your device powers down. On the iPad, you can clearly view up to 50 treadles.
On the right is the color bar indicating each pick. You can also view the 'TieUp' or the 'Fabric' drawdown.
Download the manual for more information.
The Fabric View is selected from either the 'Selection' screen, the 'Treadling' screen, or the Design Center and displays a portion of the fabric drawdown. There are four zoom levels, first displaying 16 ends and 24 picks or 40 ends and 54 picks on the iPad or Fire. Each level doubles the number of ends and picks.
When you close the view you will return to the previous screen.
If you have an iPad, a Kindle, Nook or Android Tablet, you will love the larger WIF 'n Proof versions. The larger screen means more shafts and more treadles! Up to 32 shafts and treadles display on the Kindle Fire and 50 shafts and treadles display clearly on the iPad screen.
All the iPhone and iPod Touch screenshots listed on the right apply, just imagine them larger and with more detail.
Be sure to request the iPad or Kindle Fire version when you buy a license or when you request the demo version.
on theiPhone/iPod Touch
on theiPad
On the iPad or Android Tablet
WIF 'n Proof is a web application designed to run on all Apple mobile devices (iOS 4.3 or later), including the iPhone, the iPod Touch, and the iPad, and on most Android devices (version 2.3 or later) including the Kindle Fire and the Nook.
WIF 'n Proof is a weaver's tool. It will help you design a draft, and it will read any WIF file to assist you while threading and while weaving by keeping track of where you are in the process.
The Home Screen is WIF 'n Proof's 'Table of Contents'. This is where you decide what you want to do this session. You can 'Select' a WIF file to display, you can enter a new WIF file to use, or you can 'Continue' where you left off on your last session
Select another screenshot to view the process.
The Design Center